Thursday, April 11, 2013

Nadia G's Bitchin' Kitchen- Cooking Channel

Nadia G's Bitchin' Kitchen is a thirty minute cooking show seen on the Cooking Channel. Nadia Giosia is the creator, writer, and host of this unusual twist on the traditional cooking show.

The Setup- Nadia G is a first generation Italian who grew up in Montreal, Canada. She is a self taught cook and self proclaimed bad ass. A former comedienne covered in tattoos and dressed like an Andy Wharol painting Nadia G believes anything different is good. It takes three seconds to realize this is not a Martha Stewart production. Despite the brashness and over the top set the format is pretty standard.
 There is one major difference here, unlike most cooking shows this one has a cast of characters.
Hans is a shirtless well oiled  expert on all things healthy. It is something like learning about rutabagas from Fabio. The Spice Agent, Yeheskel Mizrahi, played by Ben Shaoulli is you guessed it the spice expert. The show has a running gag that Nadia cannot pronounce his name correctly. Panos the Meat and Fish guy is.....well you get the drift by now. He comes from a large Greek family and is constantly badgered by his make believe wife.
The format is fairly run of the mill. Two minutes on what she plans on cooking based on the days theme and twenty five minutes on how to do it.

What I love about it- When you cut thru all the fluff and over the top presentations there really is a lot of good information here. The guys add tips that actually could help any home cook. The show is designed for a younger generation and it does a good job of making cooking look fairly easy

What I hate about-   Nadia G grates my nerves. Her voice sounds like Fran Drescher doing an impression of Joe Piscopo playing Hamlet in a summer stock performance.  A real bad ass doesn't remind you they are a bad ass every five minutes. I would rather drive cross country in an 84 Honda Accord with Dick Vitale, Kathy Griffen, and Flavor Flav than subject myself to another half hour of Nadia G.
Getting past her is not easy but I really tried to look hard at the food. I know Food Network hosts come up with their own recipes but I noticed an alarming trend here. Nadia frequently takes a well known dish, replaces one or two ingredients and sticks it out there as a modern version of whatever. She replaces regular potatoes with sweet potatoes in her version of the traditional Canadian dish Poutine. She uses curry in chicken pot pie. The changes are so minuscule and contrived that anybody with a cookbook and  a six pack could come up with these recipes.

2 out of 10 Couch Potatoes- There are dozens if not hundreds of cooking shows out there and this might be the worst one of them all. Pretty much everything here is annoying on some level. I am giving it a two instead of a zero because I know this show is not aimed at me. If it gets young people interested in healthy cooking then that's a good thing. Personally I'd rather watch a test of the Emergency Broadcast System.

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